Sponsorhip Salotto 2024. December 10–11, Allianz MiCo Milano

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MIX opens in Rome: more than 270 networks from the Milanese IXP now available in Cloud Europe

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MIX Secures Renewal of OIX-1 Certification

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MIX in numbers



peak Gb/s

current Gb/s

capacity Tb/s

*Unique ASNs connected to MIX, compared to the 5 main Italian IXs. Source: IXPDB.euro-ix.net


22 April 2024

Thanks Vittorio, Welcome Luca!

After over 20 years, Vittorio Figini is stepping down from his role on the MIX Board of Directors. Alessandro Talotta, […]

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25 March 2024

Evolution of Streaming Technologies: From SD to 4K and Beyond

In the not-so-distant past, the idea of streaming high-definition video content seamlessly over the Internet was nothing short of revolutionary. […]

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4 March 2024

Edge Computing and Internet Exchanges: Redefining Proximity in a Decentralised World

Edge computing and Internet Exchanges have become increasingly prominent topics over the last few years, signalling a paradigm shift in […]

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15 February 2024

Data Centres and Internet Exchanges: A Partnership for Seamless Connectivity

In the digital age, data is the lifeblood of businesses, governments, and individuals. The ability to access, store, and transmit […]

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