Information Security Policy


MIX is an Internet Exchange based in Italy that interconnects national and international operators; it is the largest Italian Internet Exchange and among the first in Europe in terms of traffic carried.
It is a point of ‘multiple interconnection’ to which the networks of Internet operators in Italy (ISPs, carriers, content providers, hosters…) connect to exchange IP traffic (peering) among themselves in an efficient and cost-effective manner with respect to transit costs.

Internet is a network with a distributed architecture in which each operator participates by connecting its own backbone to that of the other operators. This architecture is also reflected in the Italian reality which sees the coexistence of networks with different types of quality and quantity of traffic, differentiated according to the services offered and geographical coverage.
This brings to the fore the problem of efficiency linked to the interconnection between the different realities, where efficiency means the best solution implemented on time for each existing backbone that must fit well into a more global Internet reality, both at Italian and international level.
It is precisely in this sphere that MIX fits in, created with the aim of improving the use of the Internet in Italy and favouring intercommunication between the Internet Service Providers operating on our territory.

Due to the services provided, MIX considers the implementation and maintenance of an Information Security Management System a determining factor in guaranteeing the protection of its information assets. The Management considers the Information Security Management System a factor of important strategic value that can be transformed into an important competitive advantage.


The range of application of the IMS implemented by MIX S.r.l. can be defined through the following elements:

  • Business Processes: ‘Internet Exchange Point – Multiconnection services provision for national and international operators’;
  • MIX S.r.l. headquarters located in via Caldera 21 – 20153 Milan, IT;
  • Network and information systems architecture supporting the Business processes.

The organisation’s priority objectives are regulatory compliance, maintaining high levels of service availability and customer support. For these reasons, the Information Security Management System of MIX S.r.l. has the objective of guaranteeing a high level of information security in the supply of services, through the identification, evaluation and treatment of the risks to which the services themselves are subject.

MIX S.r.l.’s Information Security Management System defines a set of organisational, technical and procedural measures to guarantee the fulfilment of fundamental security requirements, which can be summarised as follows

  • Confidentiality, i.e. the need for information to be known only to those who have privileges;
  • Integrity, i.e. the need for the information to be modified only and exclusively by those who have the privileges;
  • Availability, i.e. the need for the information to be accessible and usable when required by the processes and users who have the privileges.

Furthermore, with this policy MIX S.r.l. intends to formalise the following objectives:

  • To best preserve the company’s image as a reliable and competent supplier;
  • To protect its information assets;
  • Valuing and motivating collaborators and in general all Stakeholders;
  • To increase the level of awareness and competence of its staff on information security issues.

Rev. 2 – Emissione 15/01/2021
