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MIX Interview: Get to know our Administrative Manager, Monica Arensi

What does your role entail at MIX?

As the Administrative and General Secretary Manager of MIX my role is crucial in maintaining the correct management-administrative-financial structure, collaborating with the different entities that interface with MIX: Management, Stakeholders and Customers. I also ensure their satisfaction and establish good relations for the solidity – not only economic ­– of MIX.

What’s the best part of your job?

The autonomy of my role in the day-to-day management of activities. However, it is also very stimulating to undertake new projects with colleagues and to relate with the Governance of MIX. This allows me to increase my skills and develop my goals in an increasingly professional approach.

What exciting things are happening at MIX right now?

Many exciting things are happening in MIX right now! We’re undergoing a change of management which will bring a greater corporate strategic vision to MIX and help us to grow further. We are also expanding our own physical infrastructure by opening new PoPs in several Italian cities. This expansion of our presence will enable us to help more business across the country and further cement our position as Italy’s largest and leading interconnection platform.

As MIX’s first employee, what are some of the major positive changes that have happened in the company since you started?

The change of management is definitely one of the most important, challenging and rewarding developments since I started. In recent years MIX has grown a lot in terms of potential and the time has come to further develop everything that had been sown in the previous 20 years. It’s definitely an exciting time to be working at MIX!

How do you feel the industry has changed over the last 20 years?

By nature of being part of the technology industry, the telecommunications sector is always busy and fast-paced. The pandemic has shown how a well-structured and organised Internet exchange can make a difference for workers, students, companies and all citizens. I’m proud to be a part of the industry that was responsible for keeping business running, families communicating, and essential services operating during the Covid lockdown.

You work closely with new partners and contracts, what are the main reasons businesses choose to interconnect with MIX?

Both old and new customers choose MIX time and time again because of our reliability, safety, competence and the availability of all staff. Founded in 2000, we are one of the most long-standing telecommunications providers in Italy, and I think a lot of people trust us because of this. We’ve grown and succeeded so much over the past 23 years, in spite of challenging global conditions, so businesses often feel secure in our experienced hands.

Are there any exciting events on the MIX roadmap you’d like to share?

We’re very proud of the opening of the PoPs at Rome and Caserta. These two new PoPs are part of the national expansion process approved by the MIX Board of Directors that began in 2017. This development will facilitate and encourage the exchange of data at a local level, offering optimal solutions for connecting content and service providers that require reduced access times. It will also increase the availability of high-performance and high-speed access to technologies.

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MIX opens in Rome: more than 270 networks from the Milanese IXP now available in Cloud Europe

In the new local public peering point, medium to small-sized ISPs will have the opportunity to enhance the redundancy of their network while staying in Rome. At the same time, large content providers will be able to physically diversify the peering node in the Capital.

Milan, 4 December 2023 – MIX, Italy’s Leading Interconnection Platform based in Milan, and Cloud Europe, a Tier IV certified carrier-neutral data centre located in Rome’s Tecnopolo Tiburtino, announce the finalization of a partnership agreement for the development of the digital market in the Capital. Since November 29, Cloud Europe’s data center hosts MIX-Rome, the first node of the MIX local peering platform dedicated to the ecosystem of Central Italy. It plays a key role in a rapidly growing process expected to further develop, supported by the anticipated data volume from data centers and submarine cables currently under construction. MIX-Rome responds to the operators’ need for a dedicated platform to increase system resilience and manage the significant amounts of traffic coming from Cloud Europe today and, in the future, from the upcoming data centers.

The new local Internet Exchange is accompanied by the remote extension of MIX-Milan’s LAN reserved for ISPs not yet connected to MIX and wishing to peer with the over 270 networks currently not present in Rome. Cloud Europe is pleased to host MIX within the Green Data Center TIER IV Carrier independent, at Technopole Tiburtino, developed within its campus of over 60,000 square meters, representing an ideal solution for business continuity and one of the country’s main technological hubs.

“The symbiotic development between Internet Exchange and Carrier-Neutral Data Center, always a mantra for us, has become a cornerstone of digital infrastructure in all countries. Cloud Europe has been operating a Data Center in Rome since 2010: there has been immediate harmony, and for MIX, it represents the ideal partner to form a cooperative alliance and support sector growth. We have just started, but from the excitement that has arisen in recent months in Rome, we are confident we are heading in the right direction,” said Cristiano Zanforlin, Chief Commercial Officer of MIX.

“The Green Data Center Cloud Europe has been designed and built with the goal of ensuring low environmental impact sustainability through the purchase of energy from renewable sources. Several customers, hyperscalers, banks, system integrators, and streaming platforms have chosen Cloud Europe for its specific configuration and proximity to end-users in Central Italy,” reported Giulio Iucci, CEO of Cloud Europe.

Today, the Roman Data Center represents the main interchange point for national and international telecommunications operators in Central Italy.

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Greener Internet: Sustainability Efforts in the Internet Exchange Industry

In our rapidly evolving digital age, the Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. It connects us, empowers us, and offers a world of knowledge at our fingertips. However, the convenience of the digital world has come at a price: the environmental impact of the Internet. As data centres and network infrastructure expand to accommodate the ever-increasing demand for online services, there is a growing need to make the Internet more sustainable. This article explores the sustainability efforts within the Internet exchange industry that are paving the way for a greener Internet.

Understanding the Environmental Impact

Before delving into sustainability initiatives, it’s essential to understand the environmental footprint of the Internet. Data centres are energy-intensive. They require constant cooling, consume massive amounts of electricity, and contribute significantly to carbon emissions. In addition, network infrastructure, including data transmission and storage, is energy-hungry.

The Internet Exchange Industry’s Role

Internet exchange points (IXPs) play a crucial role in making the Internet sustainable. These are physical locations where multiple internet service providers (ISPs) connect their networks to exchange traffic. IXPs serve as digital hubs, reducing the need for data to travel long distances, and minimising energy consumption. This localisation of traffic contributes to a more sustainable Internet.

Sustainability Initiatives in the Internet Exchange Industry

The Internet exchange industry has recognised the urgency of addressing its environmental impact. Here are some key sustainability initiatives it has undertaken:

Renewable Energy Adoption: Many IXPs are transitioning to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower to power their data centres and network infrastructure. This transition reduces carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

Energy Efficiency: Improving the energy efficiency of data centres and network equipment is another priority. Measures include using advanced cooling systems, optimising server configurations, and employing eco-friendly building designs.

Waste Reduction: Minimising electronic waste is a part of the sustainability agenda. Recycling, reusing, and responsible disposal of old equipment are becoming standard practices in the industry.

Eco-Friendly Infrastructure: Building data centres and network infrastructure with sustainability in mind is a growing trend. Green buildings, which meet environmental standards for energy and resource use, are being constructed to house data centres.

Traffic Optimisation: Internet exchange points are optimising data traffic to minimise latency and reduce the distance data travels. This reduces the energy required for data transmission.

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: The Internet exchange industry is working collaboratively to share best practices and knowledge on sustainability. This ensures that sustainable practices are adopted industry-wide.

The Positive Impact

The efforts of the Internet exchange industry to go green are already yielding positive results:

Reduced Carbon Footprint: By adopting renewable energy and improving energy efficiency, the industry is significantly reducing its carbon emissions.

Lower Energy Costs: Sustainability initiatives often lead to cost savings, making the Internet exchange industry more economically viable.

Enhanced Reliability: Localised traffic exchange enhances the Internet’s reliability and resilience, making it less susceptible to regional outages.

Global Inspiration: These sustainability efforts inspire other sectors to follow suit, contributing to a more eco-conscious world.

The Path Forward

While progress has been made, there is still much work to do in making the Internet exchange industry completely sustainable. This requires ongoing investment in renewable energy, continuous research and development in energy-efficient technologies, and a commitment to reducing the industry’s carbon footprint.

Users of the Internet also have a role to play, by using online services responsibly, minimising our digital footprint, and supporting companies and organisations that prioritise green initiatives.

In conclusion, the Internet exchange industry’s journey toward sustainability is a vital step in creating a greener Internet. By adopting renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and collaborating to share best practices, this industry is working diligently to reduce its environmental impact. With continued commitment and innovation, we can look forward to a more sustainable and eco-friendly digital future.

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MIX makes energy procurement more efficient and signs a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the purchase of solar energy from MET Energia Italia

The agreement entails the commercialization, by MET Energia, of the entire energy production of the Sicilian solar plant Mirto Solarpark.

Milan, 3 November 2023 – MIX S.r.l., a leading Internet Exchange Point (IXP) in Italy and a provider of interconnection services for Internet traffic exchange among operators, has laid the foundation for optimising its energy procurement process. The company has indeed entered into a five-year Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA) with Solarpack Mirto, a producer whose renewable energy production from photovoltaic sources in Sicily is withdrawn and dispatched by MET Energia Italia S.p.A.

Starting from July 1 of this year, all the energy produced by the Sicilian photovoltaic park, through MET Energia Italia, is fed into the grid and purchased by MIX. This energy offsets the consumption of the data center located in Caldera Park, the site of the public Internet peering.

The operation was coordinated by Spinergy, a long-standing consultancy firm in the field of portfolio management and energy cost optimization for industrial clients.

“The increase in energy costs recorded in 2022 has had significant repercussions on a highly energy-intensive sector such as telecommunications, where we operate, to the extent that it has necessitated a complete paradigm shift. For MIX, it is no longer sufficient to choose the best supplier: sustainability, efficiency, awareness, and transparency are the criteria that inspire our new approach to managing energy procurement,” said Alessandro Talotta, Executive President & Chairman MIX.

With this operation, MIX demonstrates its commitment to implementing a strategy that aims to achieve more efficient energy procurement processes for the benefit of the entire Telco sector.

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MIX Salotto: Over 400 Telco Companies Gather to Discuss the Country’s Digital Future

  • Seventeenth edition of the MIX (Milan Internet Exchange) annual event;
  • Connectivity, digital transformation and NRRP projects were the main topics of this two-day event;
  • Talotta, MIX President: “A unique moment to talk about innovation and future.

Milan, 15 November – A moment of dialogue between institutions and industry on topics related to the digital development of the country. This was the main purpose of the seventeenth edition of MIX Salotto, the MIX (Milan Internet Exchange) annual event, held on November 14 and 15 at Allianz MiCo in Milan.

During the most attended edition ever, over 1000 Telco operators representing more than 400 companies in the sector discussed current industry issues such as infrastructure, cloud, and a significant focus on education. Alessandro Talotta, Executive President & Chairman of MIX, opened the two days by outlining the objectives and central themes of the discussion, with a particular emphasis on the importance of connectivity, digital transformation, and projects related to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).

Opening the two days, Talotta outlined the goals and central themes of the discussion, with a particular emphasis on the importance of connectivity, digital transformation and projects related to National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP).

“The 2023 edition of Salotto was a unique moment to talk about innovation and the future. We are very pleased with the results in terms of both participation and content. Participants were able to discuss technology and sustainability. It was an important moment to face the coming months with greater awareness and commitment” emphasizes Alessandro Talotta.

Among the novelties in 2023, there is the education section, aimed at students in secondary schools with a focus on computer science, to facilitate the meeting between the world of education and work. There is also a section dedicated to Telco industry reference associations, providing participating companies with an opportunity for direct contact.

 Sustainability is also a central theme, to which Telco operators have been attentive for some time. From reducing energy consumption to creating sustainable data centers, using renewable energy, and carefully disposing of waste, these are the best practices of a sustainable data center.

Two panel discussions took place between institutions and Telco industry. “Broadband Everywhere,” moderated by Enrico Pagliarini of Radio 24/Il Sole 24 Ore, included participants such as Giorgio Bergesio, Vice President of the 9th Industry Committee of the Senate, Maria Teresa Ferrigno, TIM Wholesale Market Manager, Guido Garrone, CEO of Eolo, Stefano Mazzitelli, Director of the Business Market at Open Fiber, Giulia Pastorella, Vice President of Azione and digital expert, Daniele Peli, CEO of Intred, and Giovanni Zorzoni, President of AIIP. The second panel, “Sustainability,” moderated by Layla Pavone, Digital and Technological Innovation Entrepreneur – University Professor – Honorary President of IAB Italy, included participants Jorge Álvarez, CEO of Retelit, Federico Mollicone, President of the Culture Committee of the Chamber and member of the Innovation Inter-Group, Alessandro Morelli, Undersecretary for DIPE, Francesca Petriacci, TIM Operations Area Centro Manager, and Sherif Rizkalla, CEO Italy & Switzerland Stack Emea.

As usual, technical sessions were held in the afternoons of both days.

The over 1000 attendees at Salotto 2023 had the opportunity to visit the stands of sponsor companies and participate in a rich session of hundreds of one-to-one meetings. Salotto has once again confirmed itself as the B2B event of reference for industry operators in 2023.

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Slongo, appointed to the MIX board

In the meeting of 4 October, the Board of Directors of MIX co-opted Engineer Ruggero Slongo as director representing the shareholder Retelit.

Currently Chief Operating Officer of the Retelit Group, Slongo boasts an extensive experience in strategic consultancy and managerial roles in the Telco sector.

“I wish Ruggero Slongo all the best for his new role from me and the entire MIX Board of Directors, certain of the valuable contribution he will offer to the company” declared Alessandro Talotta, Executive President & Chairman of MIX.

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The Growth and Evolution of Internet Exchanges: Past, Present, and Future


The Internet has become an integral part of our lives, connecting people, businesses, and devices across the globe. Behind the scenes, the seamless transfer of data is made possible by complex networks and infrastructure. Internet exchanges play a vital role in this ecosystem, enabling the efficient exchange of traffic between networks. Over the years, these exchanges have evolved significantly to meet the growing demands of a digital world. In this blog, we will explore the past, present, and future of internet exchanges, highlighting their transformative journey.

The Past: Birth and early growth

The concept of internet exchanges emerged in the late 1980s when the Internet was still in its infancy. During this period, network operators realised the need for direct interconnection to exchange traffic efficiently. The first Internet Exchange Point (IXP) was established in the 1980s, and paved the way for the development of a decentralised internet infrastructure.

As the demand for internet connectivity increased, more IXPs were established globally. These early exchanges mainly facilitated the exchange of traffic between internet service providers (ISPs) and were predominantly regional in nature. However, as the Internet grew, the need for a more interconnected and efficient system became apparent.

The Present: Global interconnection and content delivery

The present era marks a significant evolution in the landscape of internet exchanges. Today’s exchanges have expanded to include not only ISPs but also content delivery networks (CDNs), cloud service providers (CSPs), and other network-intensive enterprises. Today’s IXPs offer benefits such as reduced latency, increased redundancy, and improved performance. This expansion has resulted in the rise of larger and more interconnected exchange points, often referred to as Internet Exchange Fabrics (IX-Fs).

Furthermore, the growth of content delivery networks has revolutionised internet exchanges. CDNs strategically position servers in various locations worldwide, allowing content to be delivered from the nearest server to the end-user. This localisation of content has significantly reduced latency and improved the overall user experience.

The Future: The Internet of Things and interconnection challenges

Looking ahead, the future of internet exchanges is poised for further growth and evolution. With the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), which connects a vast array of devices and sensors, the demand for efficient interconnection will skyrocket. IoT devices will generate an unprecedented amount of data that needs to be transmitted, processed, and analysed in real-time. Internet exchanges will need to adapt to accommodate this influx of IoT traffic and provide secure and reliable interconnectivity solutions.

Interconnection challenges, such as scalability, security, and automation, will be at the forefront of future exchange developments. As the volume of data increases exponentially, internet exchanges will need to scale their infrastructure to handle the growing demand, while still ensuring the security and privacy of the exchanged data. Additionally, advancements in automation and artificial intelligence will play a crucial role in optimising traffic flows and enhancing network resilience.


Internet exchanges have come a long way since their inception, evolving from regional interconnections, to global hubs of internet connectivity. They have played a vital role in shaping the digital landscape, facilitating seamless communication and enabling the growth of online services. As the Internet continues to expand and evolve, internet exchanges will remain at the forefront of technological advancements, adapting to the ever-increasing demands of a connected world. The future holds great promise, and we can expect internet exchanges to play a pivotal role in enabling the interconnectivity of devices, networks, and services.

Italy’s leading interconnection platform

With IXPs across Italy, (Milan metro area, Bologna and Palermo and Rome and Caserta coming soon) totalling 10 points of presence (PoPs), MIX offers the perfect strategic gateway between central and southern Europe. The MIX interconnection platform offers customers an opportunity to exchange internet traffic with enhanced network performance, increased data flow control, reducing latency and IP-Transit costs. For more information, you can reach out to our IXP experts here

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How do we get young people into the digital infrastructure industry?

Introduction: Why should we encourage more young people into the industry?

In today’s rapidly advancing digital era, the digital infrastructure industry plays a pivotal role in shaping our modern world. From the seamless functioning of internet networks to the expansion of cloud computing and the development of cutting-edge technologies, this industry forms the backbone of our interconnected society. However, as the demand for digital infrastructure continues to surge, there is a pressing need to attract young talent to sustain and drive innovation in this critical field.

The digital infrastructure industry encompasses a wide range of sectors, including telecommunications, data centres, network engineering, cybersecurity, and software development, among others. These sectors offer an array of exciting opportunities for young professionals seeking challenging and rewarding careers. By venturing into this industry, individuals can become part of a dynamic ecosystem that is constantly evolving and revolutionising the way we live, work, and connect with one another.

Young people can find many benefits from working in this industry. A career in digital infrastructure offers excellent prospects for professional growth and advancement. With the rapid pace of technological advancements, there is a constant demand for skilled individuals who can adapt and innovate.

Our industry is also at the forefront of addressing some of the most pressing global challenges. It is instrumental in bridging the digital divide by expanding access to reliable internet connections, particularly in underserved areas. By joining this industry, young professionals can actively contribute to creating a more inclusive and equitable digital society.

MIX: How are we doing our part to encourage more young people into the industry?

To get young people interested in a career in digital infrastructure early, we launched MIX’COOL. The MIX’COOL programme is an informative meeting aimed at secondary school students. We hold the event either at the MIX datacentre or as an interactive online session. The sessions aim to bring young people closer to the reality of an Internet Exchange Point (IXP) and the importance of IXPs in exchanging and moving data over the Internet infrastructure.

This young audience are constant users of the Internet. Entering a data centre like MIX gives them the chance to hear the “noise of the Internet” with their ears, and see what is behind social profiles, online shopping, gaming, and chatting with their friends. Last year, more than 450 students and teachers from 13 schools took part in the programme.

As well as MIX’COOL, we’re listening to what younger people need and want from their work environment. We’re constantly working on creating ample progression opportunities for those who want to take on more responsibility and seniority. We also work hard to maintain a positive and serene working environment.

MIX: Hear from our employees!

You shouldn’t just take our word for it! We’ve spoken to several young people in different functions throughout our organisations, and asked their opinions and thoughts on working in the industry. Here’s what they had to say.

Stefano, 26, NOC

How long have you worked at MIX?

I’ve worked at MIX for one year.

What drew you to the industry?

A friend suggested that I apply.

What’s your favourite thing about working at MIX?

My MIX family is what makes every day here great.

Would you encourage other young people to explore careers in digital infrastructure?

Yes, definitely. But as well as finding a good career, I would encourage people to find a place where they feel welcomed.

What advice would you give to young people starting a career in digital infrastructure?

Embrace the change.

Leonardo, 25, NOC

How long have you worked at MIX?

I’ve worked at MIX for three years.

What drew you to the industry?

My interest in the industry started as a hobby, then a friend suggested I apply. As you gain more experience within the industry you quickly learn about the direction it is going in and the needs of consumers.

What’s your favourite thing about working at MIX?

Working at MIX is great, the team is lovely and always available to help. I enjoy working on interesting tasks that challenge me.

Would you encourage other young people to explore careers in digital infrastructure?

Yes, I think more young people should take an interest in digital infrastructure to avoid getting left behind by the rapid rate of change.

What advice would you give to young people starting a career in digital infrastructure?

Just try whatever interests you and be honest and self-conscious about the effort

you’re putting in. Start with something tied to a hobby or a topic you find interesting. Ask people you know who work in the industry and try networking, if you don’t have anyone there’s plenty of information on the internet.

Martina, 34, Account Manager

How long have you worked at MIX?

I’ve been here for two years now.

What’s your favourite thing about working at MIX?

Definitely the people! The entire team is great, both my managers and colleagues. I love the vibrant environment, and am constantly facing new challenges and chances to improve myself.

Would you encourage other young people to explore careers in digital infrastructure?

I would definitely say yes. From what I can see, the industry is constantly evolving, so it’s the perfect place for those who like to always try new things.

What advice would you give to young people starting a career in digital infrastructure?

Never stop reading and learning. Open your ears but especially your mind.

Ester, 27, Marketing Communications Specialist

How long have you worked at MIX?

Six months as an intern, and I have officially now started as an employee.

What drew you to the industry?

I’d helped organise the annual Salotto event for a long time, so was curious to apply all the knowledge I had gained along the way.

What’s your favourite thing about working at MIX?

The trust that was given to me from day one by assigning me creative and challenging tasks; such different assignments allowed me to learn a lot in a short time.

Would you encourage other young people to explore careers in digital infrastructure?

Surely! Digital infrastructure is the future and it’s important for new generations to approach and learn more about this world.

What advice would you give to young people starting a career in digital infrastructure?

To not be frightened by topics that you are unfamiliar with or that seem hard, and to always keep an open mind to learn new things.

Claudio, 33, Sales

How long have you worked at MIX?

Less than three months!

What drew you to the industry?

Curiosity, looking for a step up after my previous job and to improve myself.

What’s your favourite thing about working at MIX?

I’ve only been working here for a short time, but I think the team is fantastic and it is a great and enthusiastic company. I love being part of a business that looks to the future and is responsible for the interconnections of the Internet.

Would you encourage other young people to explore careers in digital infrastructure?

I can only say yes! Like I mentioned, it’s amazing to understand the foundations of the Internet.

What advice would you give to young people starting a career in digital infrastructure?

I would encourage people to learn more about infrastructure processes, and to understand why it is so interesting and important growing up in this digital age.

What does one of MIX’s most long-standing employees think about encouraging young people to engage with the digital infrastructure industry?

Monica, Administrative Manager

Why would you like to encourage more young people into the industry?

In our sector, young people can find a dynamic, modern environment that responds to the requests of those who are more curious and who want to be part of a particular niche but absolutely necessary and fundamental activity in this third millennium.

Why is MIX a good place for young people to start and grow their careers?

MIX is a solid company with a high growth potential; we are in continuous evolution due to our very nature. We are always attentive to the professional growth of our employees – even the youngest recruits have many growth prospects. In particular, in recent years a process of handover has begun between the more “senior” and the young people hired.

How do you think the industry can attract more young people?

We are working a lot on the welfare side, on guaranteeing employees a calm working atmosphere in which they can truly feel part of a close-knit team and where they are not just a number.

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Salotto Survey Results

This year’s edition of Salotto, MIX’s annual event, will be held on November 14th-15th in Milan at the Allianz MiCo Convention Center.

As always, the agenda of Salotto will include discussion between industry and institutions, and will give space to technical issues.

Therefore, for the third consecutive year, we have invited our community to participate in a survey to choose the topics which will be included in the agenda, and to apply to organize one of the sessions.

Thank you to the 141 voters and nine candidates who volunteered their time and expertise to participate in the program committees.

Here are the results of the survey

  • IP Internet censorship: the new rules – 58.16%
  • Internet security workshop – 47.52%
  • Quic protocol and the new streaming technologies over IP – 46.81%
  • Hybrid Cloud via IXP – 49.65%
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Why young people are key to closing the digital skills gap

Technology and digital infrastructure are an integral part of our daily lives. From online shopping to social media, from healthcare to education, every sector of the economy has been transformed by technology. However, the rapid pace of technological advancements has created a skills gap in the industry, one that’s becoming increasingly difficult to fill. The shortage of skilled professionals has led to a significant challenge for companies seeking to maintain and improve their digital infrastructure.

Where has the skills gap come from?

The skills gap in the tech and digital infrastructure industry is a global problem. Research suggests 70% of technology employers are experiencing skills shortages, with the gap likely to increase as technology continues to evolve, making it increasingly difficult to find skilled professionals.

The reasons for the skills gap are varied, and they include the rapid pace of technological advancement, a lack of investment in education and training, and the changing nature of work. As technology continues to evolve, it is becoming increasingly difficult for individuals to keep up with the latest developments. Additionally, many educational institutions are struggling to keep up with the changing demands of the industry, leading to a gap between the skills that graduates possess and the skills that employers require.

How can we close the skills gap?

The best way to close the skills gap is to encourage more young people to enter into careers in tech and digital infrastructure. Younger generations are more natively adept at using technology, and are often the first to explore latest digital trends. By encouraging young people to pursue careers in the tech industry, we can create a new generation of skilled professionals who can help to close the skills gap.

There are many pull factors for potential careers in the tech and digital infrastructure industries. For starters, careers can offer excellent job security, competitive salaries, and opportunities for growth and advancement. Additionally, these careers provide individuals with the opportunity to work on innovative and exciting projects that can have a positive impact on society—something incredibly important to socially-conscious younger people.

There are many ways in which young people can be encouraged to enter into careers in tech and digital infrastructure. One approach is to invest in education and training programmes that focus on these fields. These programmes can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the industry. Additionally, companies can offer internships and apprenticeships that provide young people with hands-on experience in the industry.

So, what is MIX doing to help?

To get young people interested in a career in digital infrastructure early, we launch MIX’COOL in 2012. The MIX’COOL programme is an informative meeting aimed at secondary school students. We hold the event either at the MIX datacentre or as an interactive online session. The sessions aim to bring young people closer to the reality of an Internet Exchange Point (IXP) and the importance of IXPs in exchanging and moving data over the Internet infrastructure.

One of MIX’s most long-standing members, Administrative Manager Monica Arensi, is passionate about encouraging more people to join the MIX team. She said, “MIX is a solid company in continuous evolution, with a very high growth potential due to our progressive industry. It has always been attentive to the professional growth of its employees; even for the youngest recruits there are many growth prospects.”

This young audience are constant users of the internet. Entering a data centre like MIX gives them the chance to hear the “noise of the Internet” with their ears, and see what is behind social profiles, online shopping, gaming, and chatting with their friends. Last year, more than 450 students and teachers from 13 schools took part in the programme.

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